onsdag den 28. januar 2015

Fra Base Til Flyer

Da jeg gik på Knights cheerleaders var jeg flyer. Jeg har altid elsket det. 

Da jeg så startede på Rockets blev jeg sat som base. For mig var det ikke godt nok men det fik mig ikke til at stoppe til cheer, det elsker jeg cheerleading for meget til. Men for 3 uger siden fik jeg nogle fede nyheder. Jeg skal være flyer hele vejen igen vores rutine som vi viser til DM. Jeg er så glad for det. Jeg kan ikke engang beskrive det. Jeg skal godt nok ikke lave det samme som alle de andre, for min stuntgruppe køre vores eget "show" agtigt.. Ret svært at forklare.. Men hvert fald er jeg rigtig glad for det!

Jeg vil gerne takke mine trænere 1.000.000 gange for at give mig chancen for at vise hvad jeg kan. Og mange tak til min stuntgruppe for at have tålmodighed med mig og være der for mig. Elsker jer <3

lørdag den 17. januar 2015

Our visit to Holland August 2014

It has taken me forever to upload these pictures but I finally did it. 

These are pictures from me and my boyfriends visit to Holland. I had such a good time there, with my family, and most importantly my two brothers that I hadn't seen for almost 17 years. We finally got reunited. This is a picture taken the last time I saw them.

As you can see it's a long time ago. I was about 2 years old. 

The second day I Holland we had a BBQ with almost the entire family there. My brothers where running late so everyone was there except them. When they came, I was crying my eyes out. It was happy tears. It had been so long. Almost everyone was crying after seeing my reaction to seeing them again. It was a very touching moment for all of us. We had been friends on Facebook for a couple of years at that time but we never really did anything about it. 

I can't even describe my feelings, I was so overwhelmed. I had so many questions and didn't know how to begin. 

We made a deal that day, that if we where I etch others country, we would meet up and talk. I'm looking forward to seeing them again!

Here are the pictures from August 2014.

Messy bun and sunglasses :-)
He drove all the way!
Only 2 hours and 35 minutes left to our destination. 
My two brothers.
The most important picture ever. Me and my two brothers. You have no idea how much I missed you guys. You can tell from my smile that I was more than happy to see them again.
Caught in the act. Tim is poking to Marisa. Ops :-)