onsdag den 31. juli 2013

Little bit shopping

Today me and my boyfriend went a little bit shopping. Not much but I got what I wanted and needed.

First of all I got my new cheering shoes! They are light weight, comfy, tight sitting flexible shoes. And that's perfect in stead of my All Stars Converse. They where not comfy but clumsy. 

Then I got some more rings. They where cheep and different so I got those to. I had an old gift card to H&M so I didn't have to use my own money. 

Then I got my beautiful skirt from H&M also with the gift card. I show my idol Bethany Mota aka Macbarbie07. So I just needed this skirt and I looks truly beautiful on me. 

And I know this picture had nothing to do with shopping but the can look so cool that I just had to taste it. I don't know if it's good or bad but it's not something I would keep drinking. I like my monster energy kaos! 

Till I'll write again! Love ya! 

søndag den 28. juli 2013

What's wrong?

I know that I haven't been writing that much the last months. I think I'm kinda sick, but I really don't know. I last couple of days i have been coughing very badly and it's giving me trouble breathing properly. I'm also shaking like crazy. Mostly my hands and arms but also my feet and legs. I really feel like crying because of it. I don't feel like doing any thing at all. I just want to sit still and be on the phone, computer or watch a movie. Tomorrow morning I'm calling my doctor and ask for help. It's not fun. 

Funny boring face :-)

tirsdag den 16. juli 2013

No festival this year .... :-(

So... This is my first year, in 8 years, that I ain't going to the festival on Langland :-( it's sad. It's going to be very weird not going this year. It felt like a tradition. I'm going to miss it a lot!

fredag den 5. juli 2013


The last 2 weeks haven't been easy to get through. 
First of all, I found out that I couldn't get in to my school. For about a month ago, I got a confusing letter. And I wasn't sure I got in or not. I didn't get any more letters so I called them up. They told me it was a mistake I got that letter. I should instead have gotten a letter that said I didn't get in. So right now I'm so confused. I don't know what kind of adduction I want, so right now I feel stuck in my life.
A few minutes after that messages, I got told that I couldn't get money from the city because they can't my money before to months after my school stopped. They where referring to that time as "summer holiday" but I don't have  a job so know I'm more stuck. 

I think about it everyday. It's really hard. I can't get a job because of my caseworker, and I don't know what I wanna be any more. The two things I wanted to be the most, I can't do. So what do I do now?