tirsdag den 27. august 2013

Backstage fotoshoot with Stefanie!

So... Sunday I where with my girl Stefanie at a fotoshoot at "Gurre ruin" witch is an amazing and beautiful location. I was with her so I could see how they do things at fotoshoot's and to be a helping hand, witch under way, they needed.
As you can see here, cheering became a good hand for the lights. Me, on my boyfriend's shoulder holding the light's so it didn't turn around.

It was really fun seeing how everything was working and how they where doing, and what happened between the pictures. Here is some more pictures.

Fotographer: Kim Sørensen
Model: Celina Lykke Omel
MUA: Stefanie Bahne Jensen
MUA helper: Jessie Schraaff (me)
Lights: Tim Jensen (my boyfriend)

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