lørdag den 24. august 2013

X-Factor precasting!!

So today me and my friend Stefanie, went to the DR City, to precasting on x-factor.
It was a very big experiences for me, just to be in there.
We stood in line for about 2 hours so there was many people, and most of the time they where filming (over and over again) or setting up for a new scene. They where running back and forth in front of the line. One of the times when the man (holding the camera) came running, we'd all start clapping at him, and then i started laughing.

The line was long, and we where around the middle of the line, so we didn't wait as long as some of the others. Stefanie overhear a crew member saying that the last years, the would first close around 10 p.m. THAT'S LATE!

Here is a video from today. By that, you could have a sense of how long the line was!

Tomorrow I'll post a video an pictures from my day. I hope you'll love it!

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